DIY Teacher Appreciation Gift
Okay so Andy and I are having a little marital dispute.
It happens from time to time you know. Happily married couples disagree over things, and usually they come to some sort of terms after a while. Andy is super stubborn. I am more flexible. This means that usually it is me who gives in or compromises or lets something go.
But this circumstance is different. I am not going to budge on my stance.
It is Teacher Appreciation Week. Being a teacher myself, I know how wonderfully encouraging and affirming it is to receive recognition from parents & the community for all the hard work and effort it takes to lead a class. Teachers make SO many little micro decisions all day long and it is so. very. exhausting. And not only that but teachers give so much of their personal time and money for their students. And it's not because they're getting rich off of this. It's because they care. No one decides to be a teacher to rake in financial wealth. They do it because they really, really care. They are caring people. They are caring people who over extend themselves from September through May. And let's not even mention the pandemic that they all taught through. Holy moly. This is why I believe our teachers are all deserving of a little gift for teacher appreciation week. Insert my frugal, penny pinching husband. And thus leads us to the dispute. I want to get the teachers all a gift and Andy doesn't. I want to like cater in lunch and masseuses and order in flowers and shower the teachers with treats. But Andy doesn't want to spend a dime.
Because, you know what?!?
So I whipped up these super cute, super fun, super simple little pencil vases for the teachers. And having all the supplies in the house, guess what? It was FREE! Take that, Andy!
Here are the quick & easy steps so you can make a pencil vase too.
Vase (If you're like me you have a ton of leftover vases from past flower arrangements
Painters tape
Yellow Paint
Black Paint
Grey Paint
Pink flowers (silk or real)
Step One: Tape off a section on top of your vase with painters tape, and paint everything below it with the yellow.
Step Two: Paint "No 2" on the outside to mimic a real pencil.
Step Three: Take off the painters tape once yellow is dry and paint the remaining section grey.
Step Four: Fill with pink flowers for the "eraser" part of the pencil.
I even filled my vase with little mini snickers bars. But shhhhh, don't tell Andy. The candy cost me $5.
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