Jacqueline’s Bella Vita
After recovering from disaster after disaster I decided something needed to change. I wanted to try cooking and baking things for my family that were cool and delicious, not perfect. I wanted to put together cute outfits that were practical, not prototype. I wanted to try DIY projects that were achievable, not impeccable. Also I wanted to be able to accomplish these things in a reasonable amount of time because....hello! Motherhood! So when I couldn't find the type of content I was looking for, the type of stuff meant for real moms and not false standards of perfection moms, I decided to try and create it myself.
So while my posts won't help you become the perfect mom, they might just give you something real to connect to and help you live your most beautifully-messy, perfectly-imperfect life.
Join my Hot-Mess Mom's Club and subscribe to my Bella Vita!
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