Time Flies When You're Having Kids

Photo Credit: Laura Jean Media Services

Holding my last baby in my arms. Days run into days that are exactly the same, full of feeding and burping, naps, or lack of naps. Sometimes it feels like a never-ending cycle. But with my 1st & 2nd children being a little older I’ve already gotten a taste of how there is a last time for everything. There will come a time when I will feed this baby for the last time. She will fall asleep on me some day and it will be the last time I ever hold this sleeping child. One day I will carry her on my hip, then set her down, and never pick her up that way again. I will scrub her hair in the bath one night and from that day on she will want to bathe alone. She will hold my hand to cross the road, then never reach for it again. She will curl up in my bed at midnight for cuddles, and it will be the last night I ever wake for this. I will one day bury my nose in her belly and cover her with tickles for the last time. She will one day run to me with arms raised, for the very last time. The thing is, I haven’t noticed all the last times I’ve had with my older two until now when there are no more times. So now while I am living in these times, I will remember there are only so many of them and when they are gone, I will yearn for just one more day of them. For one last time. ❤️


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